Linear relationships enhanced by non-linear processesBroaderThree-way relationship entrainmentYet to rateNon-linear organizationYet to rateLocal relationship loopsYet to rateLocal interrelationship domainsYet to rateDifferentiation by relationship densityYet to rateCompensating relationships in parallelYet to rateNarrowerUnstructured common domainYet to rateSpontaneous relationship formation amongst emerging perspectivesYet to rateRelative isolation of structural interface with communication pathwayYet to rateProtection of emerging fociYet to rateProtecting variability to enhance fixityYet to rateOverview of communication pathway from structureYet to rateLimitation on number of occupiable temporary sitesYet to rateInterfacing vehicles of communication and networks of unmediated relationshipsYet to rateInteraction with coherent irrational perspectivesYet to rateHierachy of perspectives favouring the broadestYet to rateEmbedding fixity within variabilityYet to rateDistinct pattern of entry points to complex structuresYet to rateCultivation of productive non-linearityYet to rateAmbiguous boundariesYet to rateMetadataDatabaseMetaphors & patternsType(MP) Patterns (Christopher Alexander)Content qualityYet to rate Yet to rateLanguageEnglishLast updateDec 2, 2024