, which is said to deal with the ordering of ideas, and with [knowledge]
of causes in the scientific sense. It is that insight into the human mind which enables sympathetic "understanding" of another person's situation. In this sense, [mutual understanding]
between individuals in different groupings (by sex, race, nation, religion and so on), is frequently put forward as a necessary precursor to the solving of conflicts and to true tolerance and freedom.
One exposition (B J F Lonergan) puts understanding in the pivotal position between experience and judgement. It is the component that says, with wonder, on receiving an impression from the senses, "What is that ?"; and which is then subjected to the judgement, "Is it that ?". The most basic type of understanding would be of the [common sense]
type; there are also scientific or abstract understanding; that which anticipates or discovers; and that which infers results from activities.