Plane of cosmic consciousness (Lila)
- Vaikuntha-loka
This is the primal element, the source of all elements. Achievement of this state is the aim of the game and the player's greatest desire, even though he may be sidetracked by lesser desires during the progress of the game. All paths have this as their aim, whether through steady progress in eightfold yoga or from the spiritual devotion of following dharma. There is the choice of whether to resume the game, to remain beyond it or to return and help others reach the goal.
The 68th state or square on the board of Lila, the game of knowledge, appearing in the eighth row. This is the last of eight lokas represented on the spine of the board and marking a stage in the development of the individual's consciousness. The first seven represent a psychic centre or chakra on the spine of the human body, a level of psychic evolution. This eighth loka lies beyond the chakras.