1. Human development
  2. Plane of balance (Lila)

Plane of balance (Lila)

  • Maha-loka
  • Mahar-loka


This is the centre of balance of the whole game and the player speaks from the heart, which is filled with devotion. The hands express gestures balancing the flow of energy, the voice becomes soft and gentle, and he starts to attract followers who seek the same vibrational patterns.


The 32nd state or square on the board of Lila, the game of knowledge, appearing in the fourth row. This is the fourth of eight lokas represented on the spine of the board and marking a stage in the development of the individual's consciousness. The first seven represent a psychic centre or chakra on the spine of the human body, a level of psychic evolution. An eighth loka lies beyond the chakras. Each loka is defined by the nature of the matter of which it is composed. The eight other states in the same row may be considered as special regions within the loka.


Charity (Lila)


Human development
(M) Modes of awareness
Content quality
Yet to rate
 Yet to rate
Last update
Oct 24, 2022