1. Human development
  2. Mansions of the practice of prayer (Christianity)

Mansions of the practice of prayer (Christianity)


To move from the first mansions to the second the person has practised prayer diligently but has not avoided the occasional sin. They will have recognized the importance of not staying in the first mansions.

In the second mansions the person is called to God through conversations with others, books, sermons, and some times through trial and sickness. God sees that they persevere and have good desire. The soul is still assaulted by the devil and earthly vipers. It becomes confused about whether to go back or to go forward. At this junction, the soul comes to realize it has one true friend, God. The danger here is that everything can be ruined by vain habits. The soul will experience great trials especially when its character and habits are such that it is about to progress further.

In these mansions the person comes to realize it needs the aid of God. It mixes with others who are also on the journey. It comes to have the determination and resolve to lose its life, peace or everything to avoid returning to the first mansions. This is not the time to think of receiving spiritual favours. These are not the mansions in which they are found. Complaining about aridity and desiring consolations is foolish because this is just the beginning. Inward favours do not bring determination to face outward trial at this point. The outward trials may be a way of testing determination to continue on the journey. Simply the practice of following the will of God is of benefit.

When the person fails it is necessary to not lose heart or cease striving to make progress. Even in failure good may come of it. The person is shown what a wretched creature he is and what harm is done by dissipating desires. The faculties seem to be making war on the soul, but this not reason to turn back. The self is not to be trusted, only God is. Consulting people of experience is helpful. It is necessary to always begin again. Without knowing the depth of one's own soul it is impossible to know heaven. Progress is only available by recognizing one's own wretchedness, imploring the lord for mercy and praying to not be lead into temptation.


The second of seven mansions of the soul's progress described by St Teresa of Avila.


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Human development
(M) Modes of awareness
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Last update
Dec 3, 2024