Intercession (Judaism, Christianity)
In the Christian religion, Christ is the intercessor with God and yet is God. On his death the curtain in the temple separating the "Holy of Holies" from the world was torn from top to bottom, indicating that atonement was complete, repeated sacrifice was no longer necessary, but Christ would permanently intercede with God for his followers. Nevertheless, just as Christ is an advocate with God the Father, many Christians look for some advocate to intercede with Jesus. For both Orthodox Christians and Roman Catholics, the prime intercessor is the mother of Christ, the Virgin Mary, but many pray to a particular saint with whom they can identify. The saints were fully human and their very humanity makes them approachable. They frequently lived at least the first parts of their lives with the same mistakes and failures as experienced by Christians trying to follow the spiritual path. Thus Christians can identify with a saint whose failures, successes or concerns match circumstances in their own lives.