1. Human development
  2. Human development (Zoroastrianism)

Human development (Zoroastrianism)

  • Iranis
  • Parsis


Zoroastrian religion is equated with high ethical standards and an altruistic philosophy of life. The one eternal God, Ahura Mazda, is wise, good and just but resisted by his twin, Angra Mainyu, the evil spirit. Through the seven holy immortals, Ahura Mazda made the world as the battle ground between good and evil. Through the greatest of these immortals, Spenta Mainyu, Ahura Mazda can become immanent in mankind. The instinct of creation is to strengthen good and combat evil; but only man can do so by deliberate choice. The six divine attributes are [vohu mana]

(good mind), [asha]

(truth or righteousness), [spenta armaity]

(correct thinking or piety), [xsthra vairya]

(divine domain), [haurvatat]

(perfection, integrity) and [ameratat]

(immortality). These are present in all human beings as [fravashi]

or [farohar]

- an immortal conscience which guides and protects the individual and to whom the individual should turn when having to decide between good and evil. Each individual is judged at his death, so that if his good outweighs evil he ascends to heaven while if not he falls into hell. The aim of life is a virtuous striving for salvation of the world. The last days will be marked by great calamities and by the coming of a saviour born of a virgin, when, after a great battle between the lesser immortals and evil spirits and between good and evil men, good will be victorious. At the last judgement, all those who have died will be resurrected, the good having bodies as immortal as their souls and the evil being destroyed.

The Zoroastrian way of life emphasizes purity and the purifying quality of fire; there are special rites to heal the sick and restore lost purity; also dancing and singing, incense and prayers please the divine beings. Fire is also the symbol of inner light, the flame burning within each person, the illumined mind, light and truth. Emphasis is on responsibility for furthering the good of creation through deeds of benefit to others, and for society at large. Qualities include love of God and of fellow creatures (including animals), courage, integrity and resisting of evil.



Human development
(H) Concepts of human development
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Last update
Dec 3, 2024