1. Human development
  2. Emotional-sexual stage of life

Emotional-sexual stage of life

  • Second stage of life


In this state there is a process of socialization, of exploration and growth of relationships; there is an emotional sensitivity to others and to the natural world and a development of morality. This stage is normal between 7 and 14 years. Because of an inability to resolve dependency on others at the first stage of life, there may be unhappy adaptation at this point, a feeling of dissociation from the ultimate source of love, of rejection and rejecting.


The second of seven stages of life characterized by Master Da Love Ananda (formerly Da Free John). Those individuals who have their human growth arrested in the first three stages lack psychic maturity and spiritual quality. They may develop through puja yoga and karma yoga.


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Human development
(M) Modes of awareness
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Last update
Oct 19, 2022