Constructive personality change
- Constructive psychotherapeutic change
Significant positive personality change does not occur except in a relationship which requires psychological contact, namely awareness of the presence of the other. [Incongruence]
A difference between the actual experience of the individual and his self picture, leading to some degree of anxiety. [Congruently functioning therapist]
In a therapeutic relationship, the therapist must be freely, deeply, genuinely himself, with his actual experience accurately represented by his awareness of himself. [Acceptance by therapist]
In a therapeutic relationship, the therapist must experience a warm and unconditional acceptance of each aspect of the person's experience and have a positive regard for him as a person. [Empathy by therapist]
In a therapeutic relationship, the therapist must experience an empathic understanding of the person's awareness of his own experience and must try to communicate this understanding to the person. [Communication of therapist's empathy and regard]
In a therapeutic relationship, the person must perceive that the therapist empathizes and accepts.
A further necessary condition suggested is that the therapist should have adequate knowledge and be adequately trained.