1. Human development
  2. Cleansing the sirr (Sufism)

Cleansing the sirr (Sufism)

  • Takhliya-i sirr
  • Emptying of the sirr


The sirr is the organ of spiritual appreciation, that which receives divine communication. It is also the secret state which such communication engenders. Opinions differ as to whether it is an organ separate from the heart or spirit, or whether it is the same organ but released from the bondage of the nafs and the passions. It has been called the mystic shrine of God set up in the heart by God, continually contemplated by Him and belonging to Him. It is cleansed by contemplation, [muraqaba]

. The seeker is emptied of all thoughts diverting attention from the remembrance of God.


The third of four contemplative disciplines the salik (seeker after God) must pass through to obtain ma'rifa. Various Sufi orders may differ in approach but all require the same spiritual concentration; manifestation in its many forms may be dealt with in many ways but the realization of spiritual reality behind the forms is the same.


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Human development
(M) Modes of awareness
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Last update
Dec 3, 2024