Ad-Darr (Sufism)
The believer is aware of Allah as the distresser. Allah creates evil as well as good, since all that happens is by His will. But choosing to follow evil is the choice of the individual himself. Almost everyone slips into evil and some time or another. Those who fall into sin are given time to repent, no longer subject to the devil or their own egos, but when evil befalls it is due to the individual himself. Suffering, one may learn from one's mistakes and repent. There is also a blessing through misery, through it one may gain positive virtues such as patience and courage. Affliction and blessing are all at the hands of Allah, but in affliction the best worship is to seek to understand its cause and try to put it right.
A mode of mystical awareness in the Sufi tradition associated with the ninety-first of the ninety-nine names of Allah.
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Human development
(M) Modes of awareness
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Last update
Dec 3, 2024