1. A body of accumulated and accepted knowledge that has been systematized and formulated with reference to the discovery of general truths or the operation of general laws. Such knowledge is divided into fields, academically distinguished as disciplines or sciences, each with its own establishment, its own tradition, and its own form of enquiry, and linked mainly by the willingness of the participants in each to accept other participants as scientists and their disciplines as sciences.
2. A combination of methods for progressively validating hypotheses, applicable only with varying degrees of cogency in the fields of the different sciences.
3. A faith that reality is orderly and knowable, which is progressively extended through the study of systems, which expands the ideas of order and of the variety of conceivable orders.
4. An attitude towards knowledge, towards knowing, and towards learning as a basis for pursuing enquiry and criticizing the process and fruits of enquiry.
5. Organized rationality, namely a final court of appeal against any authority, human or divine.