human value


Related Problems:
Inadequate knowledge of incubation periods for animal diseases
Commercialization of knowledge
Unethical practice of the life sciences
Inadequacy of available knowledge for articulation of appropriate policies
Inadequate budgeting practices
Manipulative knowledge
Lack of wisdom system
Limited insecticide knowledge
Insufficient information on plants
Prohibitive cost of knowledge and information
Scientific ignorance
Monopolization of knowledge
Imbalanced distribution of knowledge
Unavailability of appropriate expertise
Lack of knowledge
Misprision of heresy
Tax barriers to the dissemination of technical knowledge
Concealment of esoteric knowledge
Calculated delay in publication of documents
Inappropriate development policy
Endangered unwritten languages
Inability to distinguish right and wrong
Lack of knowledge of eligibility for benefits
Inadequate medical training
Barriers to the international flow of knowledge and educational materials
Limited agricultural advice
Irrelevant available information
Victimization of grassroots knowledge
Fear of knowledge
Inadequate marketing knowledge
Authoritarian propagation of knowledge
Fragmentation of knowledge
Increasing lag in education against growth in knowledge
Minimal pest knowledge
Limited consumer knowledge
Unrecorded knowledge
Inadequate application of available knowledge to solve problems
Limitation of current scientific knowledge
Inaccessibility of knowledge
Theft of tradition knowledge for commercial gain
Limited poultry knowledge
Monopoly of competence for intervention in the future
Misprision of treason
Unapplied scientific knowledge
Insufficient programme knowledge
Lost knowledge
Unvalued indigenous resources
Inaccessibility of family knowledge
Language as a barrier to communication
Researching parasitic disease
Promoting knowledge society
Studying children's rights
Improving knowledge
Improving farmers' knowledge
Organizing knowledge
Developing a multidisciplinary ecological knowledge base on mountain ecosystems
Improving knowledge on ecosystem processes
Adapting indigenous pest control knowledge
Improving knowledge on environmental issues
Incorporating traditional knowledge in coastal zone management programmes
Establishing exchanges for international understanding
Restructuring knowledge
Assessing local knowledge of forests
Broadening knowledge about youth
Incorporating traditional knowledge of marine living resources in management plans
Supporting traditional health care
Facilitating access of developing countries to pollution control knowledge and technologies
Exchanging knowledge on penal reform
Using knowledge
Using expert systems
Improving women's knowledge of family planning sources
Affirming local knowledge in education programmes
Disseminating environmental knowledge using local customs
Preaching religion
Sharing water resource management knowledge
Expanding knowledge resources on health implications of hazardous wastes
Protecting traditional knowledge
Advancing optics research
Managing knowledge
Compiling urban indicators
Exchanging knowledge on planetary science
Providing information on polymers
Linking established science with indigenous knowledge
Studying palaeontology
Incorporating women's knowledge of conservation in sustainable development databases
Conducting pilot studies to link established science with indigenous knowledge
Increasing business management expertise
Disseminating information
Providing education material
Localizing advanced medical knowledge
Conveying sociological sciences
Promoting mutual appreciation of cultures
Celebrating ultimate knowledge
Facilitating regular knowledge exchange
Fostering useful family knowledge
Cultivating incentives to knowledge
Expanding family care knowledge
Recognizing social context for meaningful involvement
Communicating basic hygiene knowledge
Converting knowledge to practical uses
Improving basic dietary knowledge
Acquiring relevant commercial knowledge
Providing screen for philosophical questions
Disseminating physical-care knowledge
Demanding uniform methodological approaches to knowledge acquisition
Contributing new data
Reviewing accumulated human knowledge
Providing source of wisdom for solutions
Inspiring execution of insights
Critiquing methods of accumulating knowledge
Structuring historical continuity of knowledge
Sustaining techniques for transmission of cultural knowledge
Requiring particular knowledge before implementation of resource use
Stimulating desire for knowledge
Accessing knowledge for significant social actions
Maintaining flow of knowledge for societal advancement
Requiring relevance in information acquisition
Testing communal wisdom
Guiding creation of communal knowledge
Rejecting irrelevant knowledge
Maintaining record of past encounter
Recording social techniques
Questioning usefulness of accumulated knowledge
Maintaining consistency of knowledge transfer
Demanding disciplined internal cohesion of human knowledge
Setting context for scientific study
Providing reference points for cultural knowledge
Requiring universal validity of accumulated knowledge
Extending knowledge access
Incorporating human wisdom
Transmitting accumulated knowledge
Expanding knowledge of available services
Humanizing knowledge centres
Preserving community knowledge
Providing certitude
Educating in nutrition
Teaching basic health practices
Providing opposition to information from other disciplines
Reducing cost of knowledge
Providing knowledge and information
Refusing to share knowledge
Resisting societal knowledge
Undermining societal knowledge resistance
Restricting movement of knowledge
Healing the spirit
Applying scientific knowledge
Integrating planning of action against problems
Coping with unpredictable ecological disasters
Recording knowledge
Accumulating knowledge
Concealing esoteric knowledge
Revealing esoteric knowledge
Using biological knowledge
Using environmental knowledge
Treating fear of knowledge
Fragmenting knowledge
Blocking availability of knowledge
Making knowledge available
Reducing confusion of illiteracy with ignorance
Balancing distribution of knowledge
Unbalancing distribution of knowledge
Improving marketing knowledge
Improving access to information
Improving understanding of hygiene
Improving organization of knowledge
Improving available knowledge for articulation of appropriate policies
Providing sufficient knowledge
Abstaining from knowledge
Providing sufficient expert knowledge
Abstaining from expert knowledge
Abstaining from scientific knowledge
Sharing community experience of development
Abstaining from knowledge of eligibility for benefits
Limiting health knowledge
Limiting medical knowledge
Limiting scientific knowledge
Increasing health knowledge
Increasing medical knowledge
Freeing up current scientific knowledge
Preserving knowledge
Preserving unwritten knowledge
Manipulating knowledge
Matching public policy and current scientific knowledge
Limiting monopolization of knowledge
Disseminating toxicological knowledge
Unifying scientific knowledge
Advancing dentistry
Interchanging neurosurgical knowledge
Acquiring knowledge
Developing environmental knowledge
Advancing nursing knowledge
Supporting healing knowledge
Disseminating cartographic knowledge
Extending medical knowledge
Marketing knowledge
Developing knowledge
Exchanging industrial marketing knowledge
Disseminating archaeological knowledge
Exchanging scientific knowledge
Promoting studies of the earth
Disseminating transport knowledge
Disseminating surgical knowledge
Globalizing knowledge
Disseminating modern productivity knowledge techniques
Developing scientific knowledge
Exchanging environmental knowledge
Exchanging geographical knowledge
Disseminating professional information
Promoting knowledge
Disseminating ecological knowledge
Interchanging medical knowledge
Extending scientific knowledge
Disseminating knowledge
Incorporating scientific knowledge
Expanding human knowledge
Disseminating paediatric knowledge
Type Classification:
C: Constructive values