human value


Related Problems:
Lack of solidarity with the poor
Shrinking community life
Dispersion of local capital resources
Ineffective community organizations
Insufficient care of community property
Deficient communal mandate
Disrupted community events
Lack of systems for achieving grassroots agreement
Commercialization of social security
Operating community cliques
Prevailing community insecurity
Lack of community voice
Unpublicized public meetings
Abandonment by the international community
Boundary disputes between neighbours
Uncohesive business community
Widespread community factionalism
Lack of social accounting in the business community
Demoralizing image of urban community identity
Unstructured community gatherings
Lack of sharing of community skills
Unchecked community spending
Low community visibility
Inadequate domestic savings
Breakdown in community security systems
Deteriorating community identity
Unsignificant community celebration
Lack of local services for community leadership training
Argumentative community meetings
Stateless nations
Substance abuse by role models
Police indifference to community
Underutilized community facilities
Lack of community responsibility
Underutilization of popular wisdom
Uninformed community decision making
Inadequate dental care
Undervaluation of community service
Prohibitive construction cost of community buildings
Fear blocking participation
Drained social urgency
Absence of traditional patterns of community life
Community expertise drain
Personal isolation in modern communities
Parochial preoccupation with community problems
Paralyzing complexity of urban structures
Fragmented community image
Neglected community uniqueness
Incomplete implementation of community decisions
Unidentifiable urban neighbourhoods
Divisive international NGO postures on consultative relationships
Overlooked community services
Unadapted significance of cultural tradition
Uninvolved transient residents
Lack of social contact
Inadequate sense of community and solidarity amongst workers
Haphazard community growth patterns
Limited community responsibility of adults
Lack of symbolism in local relationships
Family adaptation of community status quo
Restrictive community size
Degraded condition of urban landscape
Delays in planning authorization
Disconnected community initiatives
Delays in community building programmes
Frustrated past goals
Inadequate primary health care
Ineffective operation of community networks
Excessive dispersion of community facilities
Declining community population
Unavailability of community centres
Insufficient community holidays
Scattered housing locations
Inadequate community care for transient urban populations
Neighbourhood disputes
Deterioration of village amenities
Excessive community crime
Loss of respect
Uncoordinated community calendar
Uncoordinated use of community property
Insufficient doctors
Forced participation in community activity
Unadapted community structures
Distrust of business by the community
Education breaks community ties
Decline in local community spirit
Demoralizing images of rural community identity
Disorganized liaison with formal support
Continuing expectation of community decline
Disagreements among community market traders
Socio-cultural environment degradation
Ensuring a healthy environment
Using roundtable process
Designing model communities
Creating local currency systems
Forming intentional communities
Conserving nature communally
Fostering regional international integration
Managing wild renewable resources through local communities
Establishing community banks
Establishing spiritual community zone
Improving cooperation among the scientific community, government and public on the environment
Improving cooperation among the scientific community, government and public on the environment
Providing assistance to community environmental action
Respecting community of life
Establishing free trade area
Obtaining community mortgage
Establishing network of community based learning centres
Providing community care
Strengthening urban environment community groups
Strengthening community-based rehabilitation for urban disabled
Holding community meetings
Expanding social forestry
Strengthening community based rehabilitation for the handicapped in rural areas
Generating community support for environmental health programmes
Taking local environmental action
Creating community land trust
Financing health centres by the community
Enabling local community management of aquatic resources
Strengthening community based rehabilitation for urban elderly
Creating community
Integrating the international community of nations
Building global community
Supporting community-based organizations
Supporting community based programmes for the poor
Creating Western Community
Improving community capacity for environmental education
Training for village governance
Using school children as community focal points for environmental information
Living in community
Developing community detection of traffic in hazardous wastes
Creating interregional community
Creating American Union
Adopting community right-to-know programmes on chemical risk based on international guidelines
Increasing community ownership of water supply services
Creating subregional community
Caring for community offspring
Diversifying local economies
Increasing participation of children in integrated community management of resources
Training in community water resources management
Creating transatlantic community
Assessing community water demand
Developing public libraries
Providing computer network services
Adopting community right-to-know for environmental risk reduction
Expanding contribution of scientific and technological community to international negotiations on the environment
Operating free-nets
Developing community-based environmental information systems
Creating nonprofit financial institutions for sustainable development
Sharing community facilities
Supporting community waste recycling
Applying economic tools at the local level of biodiversity conservation
Undertaking community-based participatory research
Nurturing transformative community
Promoting of a community of nations
Providing local watershed planning grants
Undertaking community consultations to prepare and adopt a Local Agenda 21
Protecting established community rituals
Engaging marketable community skills
Catalyzing community food production
Enlarging community credit base
Establishing community symbolic space
Establishing symbolic community leadership
Rehearsing wider corporate identity
Building community meeting place
Providing additional gathering places
Expanding community cooperativeness
Displaying local community goods
Assuring community cleanliness
Demonstrating adequate rural community dwellings
Organizing community space
Dramatizing common community initiative
Upgrading community vocational skills
Fostering inter-community interchange
Training community health workers
Enlarging community social vision
Expanding community talent search
Organizing regional council of nations
Discovering community water potential
Upgrading community access routes
Ensuring community safety
Encouraging community cultural events
Acquiring community owned implements
Developing new community nutritionists
Building public laundry facilities
Pooling community economic resources
Establishing community retail outlets
Structuring regular community meetings
Publicizing local products nationally
Releasing available community space
Augmenting community learning resources
Designing focal community space
Strengthening cooperation between developing countries
Ensuring inter-community cooperation
Awakening community rural greatness
Accelerating community building programme
Maintaining stable community order
Dramatizing corporate community victories
Affirming destinal community role
Creating futuric community symbols
Developing community singing potential
Building effective community ownership
Designing community rehabilitation plan
Dramatizing community's unique existence
Gathering available community news
Leading community planned events
Securing trained community staff
Encouraging community lookout alert
Emulating community values in clan traits
Disseminating public events information
Landscaping open green spaces
Equipping community work force
Promoting family role in local community
Forging community-oriented curriculum
Creating usable community property
Establishing comprehensive health centres
Providing community information centre
Disclosing internalized community
Organizing creative community happenings
Displaying community symbols
Developing community beauty standards
Developing cities of the world
Maintaining grassroots issues dialogue
Selling local community crafts
Organizing community motor pool
Diversifying local community shops
Increasing community protein source
Developing better community markets
Maintaining common community memory
Establishing community credit union
Developing community power access
Structuring periodic community events
Establishing community sponsored farm
Recognizing global society
Emulating community values in personal qualities
Determining community talents
Providing community services
Gathering willing community residents
Applying community growing skills
Marking key community events
Broadcasting major community achievements
Using available community expertise
Embodying community values in tribal virtues
Establishing community made production
Broadening community cultural experience
Equipping trained community staff
Locating community education space
Situating diverse community symbols
Pooling available resources
Encouraging local business buying
Equipping local community leadership
Restoring rights of released prisoners
Coordinating community economic ventures
Storing vital community information
Assuming vital community roles
Meeting community sanitation needs
Opening community service opportunities
Promoting community health standards
Expanding community data network
Obtaining community milling control
Building modern community facilities
Focusing community domestic activities
Printing colourful community folklore
Articulating community stories
Upgrading community fire protection
Announcing important community events
Empowering popular leader
Enhancing existing community fellowship
Enhancing community-tourist relations
Retaining available community monies
Sharing community leadership tools
Eliciting community development effort
Creating local community consensus
Improving community service performance
Generating community investment fund
Supplementing community water sources
Developing shrine/community relations
Sheltering community machinery
Enabling sanitary community butchering
Housing necessary community businesses
Embodying community
Legalizing community planning decisions
Legalizing community rights to resource use
Enriching community global awareness
Upgrading community commercial skills
Sharing essential community machinery
Exhibiting varied community skills
Projecting significant community images
Establishing community care network
Deploying community leaders abroad
Locating community classroom space
Conducting regular community workshops
Selecting fulltime community managers
Naming key community landmarks
Demonstrating community investment plan
Engaging competent community workers
Training fulltime community drivers
Soliciting community financial support
Improving community street lighting
Retaining capital within local community
Staging regular community clean-ups
Planning future community events
Cultivating skills in community responsibility
Distributing community news bulletin
Maintaining needed community statistics
Enabling effective community function
Guiding community monetary flow
Fostering common community interchange
Maximizing local purchasing power
Facilitating resident pedestrian travel
Equipping community school facility
Establishing strong citizen voice
Articulating basic community needs
Creating ordered community pathways
Purifying community water supply
Holding corporate community workdays
Creating community youth participation
Developing community leisure activities
Structuring community saving process
Erecting identifying community signs
Erecting identifying community signs
Displaying local community heritage
Providing outdoor community facilities
Determining communal roles
Assessing potential community benefits
Engaging community school support
Raising community project monies
Designating community recreation spaces
Enabling community planning meetings
Promoting total community involvement
Generating increased community income
Constructing community access routes
Designating capable community hosts
Designating interior community routes
Affirming existing community talents
Establishing basic community standards
Creating attractive community space
Beautifying neighbourhood living environment
Implementing comprehensive community education
Establishing community information network
Enhancing creative community participation
Supporting symbol creating activities
Implementing basic community organization
Establishing local community kindergarten
Expanding basic community structures
Restoring community health services
Forging community women's roles
Empowering comprehensive community meetings
Forming town purchasing cooperative
Establishing ongoing community maintenance
Building community irrigation system
Undertaking public works
Broadening community trade skills
Furnishing vital community equipment
Catalyzing community work projects
Uncovering powerful community symbols
Organizing community task forces
Supplying citizen advisory assistance
Hosting special community visitors
Conducting community enrichment trips
Creating inclusive community guilds
Accelerating extensive community promotion
Launching community women's institute
Promoting community decision-making
Developing available community resources
Conducting regular community forums
Engaging community work forces
Enhancing functional community environment
Instituting community consensus meetings
Expanding community support services
Implementing community planning structures
Strengthening inclusive community structures
Organizing community trades training
Launching community funds events
Constructing public buildings
Constructing public buildings
Revitalizing existing community buildings
Designing community growth plan
Demonstrating small scale farming
Enlivening regular community meetings
Designating existing community space
Establishing community resource centre
Developing community teaching faculty
Broadening corporate community activities
Developing socio-physical community structures
Organizing community trading company
Organizing community maintenance centre
Developing community operating regulations
Developing community management schemes
Designing community cultural life
Creating community symbol system
Establishing community development corporation
Developing community tourist enterprises
Enabling cooperative farm practices
Recreating community identity systems
Forming engaged community forces
Building community social fabric
Activating local community nodes
Revitalizing festive community celebrations
Defining liberties within community order
Rejuvenating community through supportive family patterns
Inventing relational model for community
Holding socially accountable
Promoting futuric community life style
Awakening motivation in local community
Awakening motivation in local community
Embodying community values
Enabling community authenticity
Encouraging community groupings
Maintaining community elders
Promoting community assent
Intensifying community consensus
Undertaking community renewal
Creating corporate vision
Demonstrating community resurgence
Reinterpreting community relationships
Symbolizing community roles
Developing community guidelines
Humanizing community care structures
Catalyzing community groups
Global local community planning
Conducting community research
Restructuring community decision making
Enabling community response
Organizing community leaderships
Demonstrating community corporateness
Holding community issues seminars
Intensifying community response
Offering community theatre
Analysing community problems
Building community support
Eliciting engagement in community structures
Developing awareness of community services
Encouraging community assignment
Affirming all phases of community life
Acknowledging community elders
Intentionalizing community decor
Visiting community members
Commissioning community services
Training community volunteers
Creating community events
Providing community calendar
Creating community rituals
Holding regular community retreats
Establishing community global decision-making
Publicizing community concern
Objectifying community wisdom
Empowering community professionals
Eliciting community consciousness
Holding community celebrations
Creating community story
Preserving community knowledge
Displaying community models
Introducing community art forms
Catalyzing community promotion network
Dramatizing community consciousness
Intentionalizing community phase roles
Strengthening community communications
Enlivening community mythology
Developing community leadership
Publicizing community decisions
Funding community data bank
Surveying community needs
Analysing community opinion
Analysing community relations
Employing local media
Formalizing community decisions
Planning community programmes
Listing community resources
Prioritizing community's budget
Catalyzing community interaction
Establishing community liaison
Enacting enthusiastic transactions
Proclaiming community history
Sustaining primal communities
Recontextualizing community roles
Activating purposeful community
Revitalizing community structures
Intensifying community agreement
Dramatizing world inter-relatedness
Permeating community structures
Structuring community cooperatives
Revealing community inter-relatedness
Improving existing communities
Portraying communitarian sense
Signalling community power
Demonstrating community service
Implementing community projects
Portraying community identity
Training the community
Awakening conscious community
Sustaining community citizenship
Recognizing community assets
Recording community beauty
Identifying obstacles to community achievement
Undertaking local planning
Broadening issues of community relevance
Studying causes of poor organization of community environment
Empowering communities
Focusing on community problems
Relaxing parochial preoccupation with community problems
Relying on community resources
Joining in community action
Resisting community dependency
Restricting availability of community space
Engaging in community rivalry
Reducing community rivalry
Preserving traditional lifestyle
Preserving traditional community decision-making
Providing alternative to traditional community patterns
Checking community spending
Coordinating use of community property
Enhancing community achievement
Utilizing community power
Using community education structures
Valuing community service
Undervaluing community service
Integrating rural community
Discovering community gatherings
Relating community groups
Using untapped community wisdom
Increasing community urgency
Aborting community efforts
Changing anti-community attitudes
Providing community security
Researching community crime
Reducing community crime
Restoring community damage
Monitoring community decline
Decreasing residential care for juvenile criminal offenders
Taking responsibility for community improvements
Relocating community facilities
Managing community facilities
Dividing economic community
Uniting communities
Dividing individual and community
Dispersing community facilities
Forcing participation in community activity
Integrating community goals
Strengthening community interaction
Integrating community life
Improving community policing
Improving community-based rehabilitation facilities
Improving community care for transient urban populations
Providing inadequate community care for transient urban populations
Implementing community decisions
Improving police responsiveness
Improving police responsiveness
Operating community networks
Providing flexible attitudes toward community social services
Stimulating community practices
Stabilizing images of rural community identity
Improving community promotion
Improving community promotion
Improving care of community property
Improving means for community initiative
Doing without adequate community plan
Abstaining from community urgency
Abstaining from community development
Abstaining from uplifting community images
Sharing community experience of development
Abstaining from sharing of community skills
Providing sufficient examples of community success
Abstaining from community achievement
Abstaining from structures for community care
Providing sufficient involvement in community affairs
Abstaining from community planning in company towns
Abstaining from community consensus
Eschewing sense of community within developing countries
Limiting vision of community future
Limiting community development planning
Limiting community responsibility of adults
Limiting participation in neighbourhood action
Limiting identification with community
Increasing identification with neighbourhood community
Preserving community identity in urban environments
Increasing community contact
Providing community contact
Supporting international community of scholars
Developing local conservation groups
Type Classification:
C: Constructive values