
Prioritizing distribution responsibility

Redirecting and establishing the global context for distributing local goods and services.
An integral part of repatterning distribution of benefits to allow individual participation in local economic planning, and in establishing working standards and in planning the employment of workers' skills.
Tactics include: distribution priorities to determine the guidelines, limits and emphases of equitable benefits distribution; distribution context to push operating values to embrace all stations and conditions of man from the perspective that every man participates in and shares the benefits of society; distribution areas to rationally and comprehensively organize and interrelate the dimensions of the geographic distribution arenas to insure effective services; expertise allocation to direct trained people in constructive engagement to deal effectively with the arenas of need with such tools as gridding, problematting, contradiction and trend analysis, and time-lining, goals and tactics; and distribution incentive to keep man's sensitivities and expertise honed to deal effectively with on-going social economic change, population shifts, trends and contradictions. An example is a wheat farmer cooperative's decision to channel their farming knowledge to other countries such as Viet Nam.
Type Classification:
D: Detailed strategies