
Providing stimulating training

Ensuring that each individual has access to a comprehensive compilation of relevant training wisdom to stimulate him to responsible engagement.
An integral part of empowering individual engagement to broaden the context of decision-making from immediate self-interest to the long-term interest of all.
Tactics include: reprogrammed mindset to impact each individual at the levels of family, community, nation and globe, through exploding his limited images with global news and weekly events; envisioned vocation to give each individual the possibility of maintaining his awareness of the significance of his own life's vocation through summer refresher courses, symbolic leaders' speeches and celebration of family life; honoured uniqueness to enable each individual to live related to his neighbours, through extended family visits and holding, for example, community New Year celebrations; and sustained responsibility to stimulate, challenge and honour the decision-making processes of individuals and groups through such activities as children's workshops, and having each geographic unit create a symbol of responsibility.
Education Training
Type Classification:
D: Detailed strategies
Related UN Sustainable Development Goals:
GOAL 4: Quality Education