To reach the temporal "countryside", dwellers in high rise temporal structures have to "drop out" or "take an extended break" -- but even this may have to be scheduled like a safari and undertaken in the temporal equivalent of a coach. Drugs and alcohol can of course also transport people out of temporal structures.
Living permanently in the temporal "outback" can be as much of a challenge as that experienced by city people moving to the country. The unemployed and slum dwellers, living in the interstices of built up areas and skilled in "hanging out", may have more ability to do so -- as with those in cultures that have not yet been subject to the temporal equivalent of urbanization.
Protecting the wilderness extolled by deep ecologists is as much a challenge to how we act in time as it is to how we act in the spaces of the physical environment. Stress management programs may be better understood as an effort to reconnect with the temporal wilderness.