Improving job security for women
- Increasing womens' access to quality employment
There are three major challenges for women at work, i.e. finding the best strategies to (a) compete for full-time and well paid jobs at the core of the employment structure; (b) increase the security and remuneration of work under part-time and atypical contracts; and (c) ensure equal treatment, protection and access to resources in a deregulated small business sector, including self-employment and entrepreneurship. Although these are all issues relevant to the general labour market, they are more relevant to women than men due to the existing employment pattern.
Actions that will assist in the achievement of improving women's employment options, security and equal status are (a) setting employment conditions on an equal footing and promoting equality of treatment for those in atypical work contracts; (b) encouraging mobility between non-standard and standard employment; (c) supporting part-time employment as a woman's choice not as her only job opportunity; and (d) improving representation and advocacy networks for workers under atypical work contracts in collective bargaining.
Solving problems of flexible contracts is complex given the present labour market situation and that many of the disadvantages of part-time employment is at the very heart of women's competitive advantage in this market segment. The strategy could involve actions towards improving the legislative framework for non-standard employment and women's competitive position on this market in order to make atypical contracts a career of choice. This would make it possible to enjoy the flexibility of this type of employment and limit many, or at least some, of the existing disadvantages.