
Undertaking historical studies

Studying history
Researching history
Collecting historical facts
Learning about and deriving lessons from the past.
The study of history may be primarily viewed as an accounting of chronological events and as a congeries or series of happenings which both form and dominate the shape of societies. The emergence of comparative studies of civilization can however lead to a shift in perception of the growth of cultures. Civilizations can now be seen from a wider as well as a more dynamic perspective, as revealing the development of fundamental patterns of human relationships in the context of those artistic and social forms which embody the transformations of human consciousness.

1. Understanding or considering history allows the use of the lessons of past generations.

2. The historian must have some conceptions of how men who are not historians behave. (Edward Morgan Forster).

Counter Claim:
Experience of this century is so divergent from that of all past history that past wisdom is basically irrelevant; one can say that human consciousness has simply mutated into a new entity which must invent in its own terms.
Type Classification:
E: Emanations of other strategies
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GOAL 4: Quality EducationGOAL 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure