
Enabling common markets

Facilitating single market
Creating single market
Ending import/export requirements
The European Commission's [Single European Market] programme has passed its target date of 1 January 1993. A key aspect of the realization and completion of the single market is for virtually all Community legislation to be turned into national law in all member states. So far, this in not completely the case. Community legislation is brought into force at different times in each member state, which means that there is some considerable differences remaining in areas such as taxation, standardization and public procurement, as well as certain industry sectors, such as telecommunications, construction and food; there are also implications for businesses from the Community's major trading partners, such as the USA, Japan and EFTA, in particular the emerging European Economic Area.

The EU is the largest single market in the world, with extensive trading links with the developing world, not least through the Lomé Convention - the crucial development assistance and trade agreement between the EU and 71 African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries.

Counter Claim:
1. Shoppers do not have full confidence in the products they buy on the European single market, as is clear from the crises precipitated by the "mad cow" disease and dioxin-contaminated food. Environmental questions are playing an increasingly important role in consumer choice.

2. If the European dimension can lead to lower prices in sectors such as telecommunications, other sectors should witness similar price reductions. As matters stand, prices often vary considerably from one EU country to another; the differences are much greater than within the US, for example.

Common sense
European Free Trade Association
Caribbean Community
Professional Committee of Cooperatives of Countries of the Common Market for Livestock and Meat
Committee of Hop Planters of the Common Market
Common Market Committee of Sewing Thread Manufacturers
Common Market Committee of the European Association of Refrigeration Enterprises
Common Market Committee of the European Association of National Textile Retailers Organisations
Common Market Committee of the International Confederation of the Hairdressing Trade
European Recovered Paper Association
European Ceramic Tile Manufacturers' Federation
Common Market Group of the International Confederation of Agricultural Credit
Liaison Office of the European Ceramic Industries
Coordinating Committee for the Associations of Manufacturers of Industrial Electrical Switchgear and Controlgear in the European Union
Common Market Committee of the European Association for Textile Polyolefins
European Association for Forwarding, Transport, Logistics and Customs Services
Hop Trade Group of the Common Market
International Confederation of Paper and Board Converters in Europe
Commission of the Common Market of the European Cattle and Meat Trade Union
European Committee of Manufacturers of Electrical Machines and Power Electronics
MARCOGAZ - Technical Association of the European Natural Gas Industry
European Tyre and Rubber Manufacturers' Association
Union of Dried Yeast Producers of the Common Market
Permanent International Vinegar Committee - Common Market
European Hospital and Healthcare Federation
The Brewers of Europe
Committee of Associations of European Transformer Manufacturers
European Ferrous Recovery and Recycling Federation
Common Market Section of the World Federation for the Protection of Animals
Common Market Travel Association
Federation of European Movers Associations
Common Market Group of the International Rayon and Synthetic Fibres Committee
African Economic Community
Andean Common Market
European Observatory for SMEs
Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa
Court of Justice of the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa
CARICOM Single Market and Economy
Latin American Common Market
Central American Common Market
Arab Common Market
Southern Common Market
Common Market of Former Soviet Central Asia
COMESA Clearing House
Common Market of Scientific and Technological Knowledge
Caribbean Community Council of Ministers
American Common Market Club
Amenities Living conditions
Commerce Market
Commerce Import, export
Type Classification:
C: Cross-sectoral strategies
Related UN Sustainable Development Goals:
GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and CommunitiesGOAL 12: Responsible Consumption and Production