

Management is the fundamental instrument to ensure that all plans are adequately integrated and that the work of all functions is integrated into a cohesive whole so that the full force of the organization's resources can be focused on the successful achievement of its objectives. Management includes the following processes (as well as concern with their interrelationships): setting objectives, planning strategy, establishing goals, developing a company philosophy, establishing policies, planning the organizational structure, providing personnel, establishing procedures, providing facilities, providing financial resources, setting standards, establishing management programmes and operational plans, providing control information, and activating people. Specific management activities include: planning, organizing, staffing, directing, coordinating, reporting, budgeting, and innovation.
Systematizing management patterns
Managing risks
Managing sites
Managing fairs
Resisting evil
Managing wastes
Managing change
Managing supply
Managing stress
Managing systems
Managing prisons
Managing property
Managing industry
Managing politics
Managing projects
Managing resources
Managing workshops
Managing employers
Managing knowledge
Protecting quality
Protecting quality
Managing cemeteries
Managing information
Managing health care
Managing real estate
Managing real estate
Managing corporations
Managing institutions
Managing legal system
Managing geoinformation
Managing divided cities
Managing the environment
Managing human resources
Conserving urban history
Managing foreign finance
Managing foreign finance
Managing congress centres
Reducing fear of violence
Managing development needs
Reducing sectarian tension
Managing developmental work
Managing jungle environment
Managing interest rate risk
Managing demographic change
Managing demographic change
Managing culture of violence
Maintaining social management
Managing patent documentation
Restraining dangerous animals
Managing hot weather violence
Managing transboundary issues
Exchanging scientific products
Managing independent hospitals
Managing world energy resources
Administering leisure resources
Managing development technology
Managing transportation systems
Managing psychological violence
Managing commodity export cycles
Managing foreign exchange reserves
Managing foreign exchange reserves
Managing self-owned general stores
Controlling communications mass media
Managing criminal violence and disorders
Managing genetically determined violence
Encouraging off-site conservation of biodiversity
Managing wholesale markets for agricultural produce
Managing urbanization to minimize biodiversity loss
Coordinating intergovernmental organizations
Managing public services
Management Management
Type Classification:
A: Abstract fundamental strategies
Related UN Sustainable Development Goals:
GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth