

Information processing
The general purpose/ effect of communicating is one of binding into a society of individuals, by the use of shared language and signs; also the sharing of common sets of rules, for various goal-directed activities. Particular aspects are transmitting information in order to elucidate issues, vent grievances, resolve conflicts and assist in opinion-forming and decision-making on matters of common interest to individuals, groups, and society as a whole.

The strategy of communication over the past several centuries has significantly broadened in terms of amount of information, mass access to it and the many forms available.

Communicating is the dynamic process underlying the existence, growth, change, and the behaviour of all living systems (whether individual or organization), through which the organism or organization relates itself to its environment, and relates its parts and internal processes to one another. It is the communications that occur and the patterns of intercommunication which ensue that define and determine the structure and the functioning of any organization. The basic phenomenon of communication is that an organism (or organization) takes something into account, in whatever form it is presented (or not presented).
This strategy is implemented through various forms: (a) mass media: radio and television broadcasting, publication of magazines and books, newspapers, posters; (b) selective media: smaller scale projects aimed to specific audiences, newsletters, cable TV, computer networks; (c) interpersonal communication: speech, performance, example, exchange of information in family, extended family, neighbourhood, communities, ethnic groups, clubs and professional associations, and in conferences and meetings convened by governments, by organizations, associations, commercial interests and individuals. Attention is given to the intent and content to be communicated, the design and means of distribution of the message and also to the effective participation of those for whom the information is intended. Dynamics of feedback are also to be considered.
1. The information revolution is the hallmark of the future and therefore effective communication is a key strategy.

2. People and groups make decisions based only on the information accessible to them.

Counter Claim:
1. This is a time of information overload where people are unable to function due to too much data.

2. What is needed is the means of rapidly interpreting information.

Facilitated by:
Bridging digital divide
Type Classification:
C: Cross-sectoral strategies
Related UN Sustainable Development Goals:
GOAL 4: Quality Education