
Establishing skills exchanges

Establishing skills exchange
Improving exchange of expertise and skills
Enabling practical wisdom exchange
Devising skills exchange mechanisms
Enables exchange of procedures and personnel needed for equitable skill distribution. The catalytic effect is to make available the vocational training knowledge and tools of one community to any other as requested.
An integral part of providing necessary skills, whether training or personnel, to eliminate local pockets of unemployment while necessary industries lie idle.
Tactics include: future planning to provide communities and work forces with information about industrial intentions in order that training may be finished on schedule; human interchange to enable transfer of technological specialists, trained workers and management to areas where they are needed; training tools to redirect methods and equipment to new training situations when they are required; interlinking structures to coordinate all exchange structures from local to global; and funding procedures to discover funding sources, to distribute funds and to enable both exchanges and training. An example is when a country decides to set up 25 public hospitals in two years and calls for specialists to train indigenous lab technicians to staff the hospital labs. Enough teachers need to be recruited and made available as well as any necessary training equipment.
Type Classification:
C: Cross-sectoral strategies
Related UN Sustainable Development Goals:
GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth