Documenting plant gene resources
- Maintaining database of plant genetic resources
Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR). The Institute houses the Forest Genetic Resource Information System (TRESOURCE) to provide forestry researchers with background information on the germplasm of forest trees and shrubs. TRESOURCE comprises of five databases on plant aspects of plant genetics: (1) TAXA – species and taxonomy; (2) SPECIES – species summary information; (3) CONSERVE – germplasm conservation and management information; (4) RESEARCH – research problems; (5) DBS – other databases containing information in which IPGRI is interested but does not maintain.
Regional Cooperation in South East Asia on Plant Genetic Resources (RECSEA-PGR) aims to develop and improve network information systems for plant genetic resources at the national and regional level. In 1993, the International Plant Genetic Resources Institute (IPGRI) outlined a new computer-based network information system which would enable all those holding or using germplasm to have selective access to each other's germplasm databases.