

Improving things, while leaving them essentially as they are.
Upgrading allows people to maintain familiar, proven institutions, technology, social patterns and so on, while making them more effective. It thus spares people the pain of the totally new.
Counter Claim:
Upgrading often serves as a stop-gap measure for things which simply need to be replaced.
Collecting wastes
Updating vocations
Developing new skills
Improving water quality
Improving study methods
Upgrading water delivery
Upgrading postal services
Providing health services
Upgrading local rice yields
Expanding basic medical care
Supplying on-the job training
Upgrading public works system
Upgrading visible public space
Upgrading visible public space
Upgrading existing dairy stock
Strengthening archival systems
Improving access to technology
Improving food self-sufficiency
Upgrading basic utilities system
Upgrading work force effectivity
Upgrading school recreation area
Upgrading existing retail outlets
Upgrading community access routes
Meeting community sanitation needs
Upgrading housing material quality
Upgrading commercial animal health
Upgrading local pedagogical skills
Building public laundry facilities
Establishing preventive health care
Establishing preventive health care
Upgrading basic nutrition practices
Establishing local delivery network
Upgrading community fire protection
Upgrading local market conveniences
Improving NGO access to information
Improving skill base of rural women
Generating supplemental family wages
Upgrading existing livestock strains
Upgrading existing common facilities
Upgrading community commercial skills
Upgrading existing physical facilities
Rebuilding public buildings and streets
Upgrading essential agrarian techniques
Upgrading essential agrarian techniques
Upgrading social science responsibility
Upgrading effective marketing management
Allocating expenditure of public finances
Type Classification:
B: Basic universal strategies
Related UN Sustainable Development Goals:
GOAL 4: Quality Education