
Utilizing leisure

Free time
Using leisure time
Making use of leisure time
Using surplus leisure time

Using time which is not required for involvement in the community family care or employment.


Leisure restores the energy expended by the individual in performing essential duties and contributes to cultural and spiritual development.


Many societies are experiencing an increase in leisure time, as conditions of employment change. Increasingly more time is available than is needed for rest, and leisure time today offers wide potential both for creative alternate engagement (such as continuing education) but also for increased domestic violence and drug and alcohol abuse.


The restorative function of leisure time ensures the continuing satisfaction of the physical and cultural needs of each individual, thus promoting broadened participation in the life and vision of society, and affording greater opportunities for creative contributions.

Counter Claim:

Leisure time in itself is no more creative than the vision of those who use it.

Constrained by:
Limiting leisure time
Type Classification:
D: Detailed strategies
Related UN Sustainable Development Goals:
GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic GrowthGOAL 16: Peace and Justice Strong Institutions