Global Strategies & Solutions

Over the ages humans have recognised problems they face, and have devised and implemented solutions and strategies to overcome them. But what was the problem and logic behind these strategies, how were they implemented, and what were their outcomes - positive or negative, deliberate or unintended? The Global Strategies and Solutions section of the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential is an ongoing attempt to record and map the relationships between any strategies and solutions that humanity actually or potentially uses, in the hopes that a better overall understanding of which would greatly enhance our ability to formulate effective strategies to global problems.

The Global Strategies and Solutions section details this problem and over 32,000 others and the 280,000 relationships between them - from Awarding prizes, Breaking down cultural isolation and Campaigning, to Wishing and Using witchcraft. The strategies presented are those recognized by over 69,000 international organizations including IGOs, NGOs and other bodies (profiled in the Yearbook of International Organizations). Some strategies may be recognized by many organizations, others may only be recognized by loose networks, movements or isolated groups of experts.

Strategy Strategy Type
Developing large-scale environmental data bases D: Detailed strategies
Operating state monopoly in capitalism E: Emanations of other strategies
Writing poetry D: Detailed strategies
Growing agricultural produce G: Very Specific strategies
Honouring special craftsmen achievements G: Very Specific strategies
Conserving Northeast Congo Basin forest ecoregion E: Emanations of other strategies
Reducing prison sentences G: Very Specific strategies
Reducing nationalistic allegiance D: Detailed strategies
Abusing power G: Very Specific strategies
Taking surveillance of medical high risk persons G: Very Specific strategies
Transmitting unique gifts G: Very Specific strategies
Encouraging environmentally sound land use practices G: Very Specific strategies
Reworking A: Abstract fundamental strategies
Providing family allowances E: Emanations of other strategies
Producing musicals G: Very Specific strategies
Criticizing sophistry G: Very Specific strategies
Engaging in sex with minors E: Emanations of other strategies
Offering comprehensive financial services C: Cross-sectoral strategies
Increasing effectiveness of maintenance G: Very Specific strategies
Preparing verification methods F: Exceptional strategies
Remedying personal injury D: Detailed strategies
Establishing relationships among global projects G: Very Specific strategies
Disseminating information C: Cross-sectoral strategies
Redefining production tasks G: Very Specific strategies
Restricting available assets G: Very Specific strategies
Unbalancing exports and imports of land-locked developing countries E: Emanations of other strategies
Removing barriers to jungle harvesting G: Very Specific strategies
Devaluing currency G: Very Specific strategies
Living without God G: Very Specific strategies
Reducing statutory instability G: Very Specific strategies
Updating outmoded concepts in legal systems G: Very Specific strategies
Providing alternative to traditional leisure activities G: Very Specific strategies
Considering the future of the university E: Emanations of other strategies
Strengthening monopoly of power by the elderly G: Very Specific strategies
Husbanding camels E: Emanations of other strategies
Tapping employable useful skills G: Very Specific strategies
Displacing royalty G: Very Specific strategies
Competing in education G: Very Specific strategies
Pointing out commitments of decision-makers G: Very Specific strategies
Phasing out and replacing chemicals posing unacceptable risks G: Very Specific strategies
Implementing waste recycling programmes C: Cross-sectoral strategies
Limited war G: Very Specific strategies
Neutralizing bad feng shui G: Very Specific strategies
Demonstrating evaluative methods G: Very Specific strategies
Swapping debts D: Detailed strategies
Abstaining from understanding G: Very Specific strategies
Upholding common acceptance of conferred legal powers G: Very Specific strategies
Reducing global poverty G: Very Specific strategies
Achieving industrial cooperation G: Very Specific strategies
Prosecuting offences against the administration of justice E: Emanations of other strategies
