Global Strategies & Solutions

Over the ages humans have recognised problems they face, and have devised and implemented solutions and strategies to overcome them. But what was the problem and logic behind these strategies, how were they implemented, and what were their outcomes - positive or negative, deliberate or unintended? The Global Strategies and Solutions section of the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential is an ongoing attempt to record and map the relationships between any strategies and solutions that humanity actually or potentially uses, in the hopes that a better overall understanding of which would greatly enhance our ability to formulate effective strategies to global problems.

The Global Strategies and Solutions section details this problem and over 32,000 others and the 280,000 relationships between them - from Awarding prizes, Breaking down cultural isolation and Campaigning, to Wishing and Using witchcraft. The strategies presented are those recognized by over 69,000 international organizations including IGOs, NGOs and other bodies (profiled in the Yearbook of International Organizations). Some strategies may be recognized by many organizations, others may only be recognized by loose networks, movements or isolated groups of experts.

Strategy Strategy Type
Engendering A: Abstract fundamental strategies
Ministering to widows F: Exceptional strategies
Desponding G: Very Specific strategies
Developing access systems C: Cross-sectoral strategies
Expanding internal roles G: Very Specific strategies
Converting to religious beliefs F: Exceptional strategies
Absenting A: Abstract fundamental strategies
Promoting research and development of internet applications E: Emanations of other strategies
Procuring production materials C: Cross-sectoral strategies
Managing interest rate risk D: Detailed strategies
Establishing new business ventures G: Very Specific strategies
Increasing technological aids G: Very Specific strategies
Engineering A: Abstract fundamental strategies
Illuminating sexual images D: Detailed strategies
Monitoring noise pollution G: Very Specific strategies
Facilitating essential citizen health G: Very Specific strategies
Granting licences to media G: Very Specific strategies
Using available community expertise G: Very Specific strategies
Being concerned with procreation G: Very Specific strategies
Interrupting human development F: Exceptional strategies
Proposal solicitor R: Strategy roles
Restraining dangerous animals G: Very Specific strategies
Encouraging competition between states G: Very Specific strategies
Developing open learning D: Detailed strategies
Sharing the benefits in biodiversity conservation E: Emanations of other strategies
Stabilizing indigenous economies G: Very Specific strategies
Supervising production processes G: Very Specific strategies
Providing marriage dowry E: Emanations of other strategies
Controlling sexually transmitted diseases amongst young people D: Detailed strategies
Conserving Russian far east temperate forest ecoregion E: Emanations of other strategies
Evaluating environmental performance E: Emanations of other strategies
Growing olive trees F: Exceptional strategies
Manipulating timing D: Detailed strategies
Isolating A: Abstract fundamental strategies
Studying bacterial diseases in animals G: Very Specific strategies
Empowering arbitrated appeal D: Detailed strategies
Facilitating easy outside contact D: Detailed strategies
Employing the disabled D: Detailed strategies
Describing long-term impacts of chemical and biological warfare G: Very Specific strategies
Identifying society's labour needs G: Very Specific strategies
Using women in marriage G: Very Specific strategies
Converting outmoded public buildings D: Detailed strategies
Coping with inadequate industrial trade in developing countries G: Very Specific strategies
Harmonizing standards D: Detailed strategies
Studying intractable problems G: Very Specific strategies
Studying philosophy of law G: Very Specific strategies
Cultivating roof gardens G: Very Specific strategies
Promoting transparency in trade E: Emanations of other strategies
Reducing discrimination against women in religion G: Very Specific strategies
Hunter R: Strategy roles
