Undemocratic policy-making

Visualization of narrower problems
Non-corporate decision making
Insider policy-making
Policy-making conspiracy
Unrepresentative policy makers
Undemocratic government decision-making
Restricted access to policy formulation processes
Lack of organized participation
Non-participative decision-making
Exclusion from participation in decision-making
Inequitable decision making
Political exclusion
There was no proper public discussion, not even a congressional discussion, of the presidential decision to send US Marines into Somalia in 1992. The decision was executed within a few days and most Americans heard about it on the television news.
1. There is a need for long-range planning to meet not only current policy requirements, but also the future implications of present decisions and policies. At present public agencies are no longer representative of the broad and varied populations they are supposed to serve. Policy making is seen as the responsibility of a few specialists, who consider the interests of only certain segments of the population. Consequently, policy decisions are made by few people with little accountability to local communities or the population at large.

2. The 'we' of administrations and supra-regional agencies is a solemn but contourless amoeba (Ivan Illich).

(F) Fuzzy exceptional problems