Threatened species of Scleractinia

Threatened species of Madreporaria
Threatened species of Hard corals
Threatened species of Stony corals
Threatened species of True corals
Corals are invertebrates that are in symbiosis with an algae or a 11inoflagellate. Coral bleaching occurs when the corals lose their CM99e (the algae or dinoflagellate is what cause the beautiful colours Sf coral). The result of losing its algae causes the coral to Pbleach" (become completely white). Scientists are not quite sure 99y this happens, but there is some evidence to suggest that a rise in water temperature may be involved.
Scleractinian corals diversified during the Mesozoic and Caenozoic eras and are at the height of their development today.
(E) Emanations of other problems