Pelvic abscess


Pelvic abscess is a collection of pus in the pelvis, typically occurring following lower abdominal surgical procedures, or as a complication of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), appendicitis, or lower genital tract infections. Signs and symptoms include a high fever, pelvic mass, vaginal bleeding or discharge, and lower abdominal pain. It can lead to sepsis and death.

Blood tests typically show a raised white cell count. Other tests generally include urine pregnancy test, blood and exudate culture, and vaginal wet mount. Ultrasound, CT-scan or MRI may be used to locate the abscess and assess its dimensions. Treatment is with antibiotics and drainage of the abscess; typically guided by ultrasound or CT. Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) is a minimally invasive alternative method.

Source: Wikipedia

(G) Very specific problems