Deficiency patterns of disharmony within the body

Visualization of narrower problems
Symptoms of disharmony within the body
Within the Chinese understanding of health, [Deficiency] disharmonies are often associated with underactivity of various kinds. Deficiency patterns are called [xu], which means depletion or deficit of energy, resulting mosts in [Yin] or [Cold] symptoms such as chills, oedema, numbness and chronic pain. Such conditions tend to be distinguished by frail and weak movement, tiredness, pressure relieves discomfort, passive appearance, low voice, dizziness, facial pallor, shortness of breath, shallow breathing, spontaneous sweating, incontinence or copious urination, lack of appetite, pale tongue with thin moss and weak pulse. Slight annoying headaches are usually a sign of [Deficiency].
Older people and those with chronic ailments tend to have Deficiency disorders.
(J) Problems under consideration