Cardiovascular disorders

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Cardiovascular diseases
Impairments of cardiovascular system function
Cardiovascular complications
Cardiovascular diseases, the main causes of invalidism and premature death in economically developed countries, have been increasing in incidence as average life expectancy increases. It has been shown that urbanization - which increases stress and makes for irregular eating habits (fast food and prepared foods) - plays a significant role in cardiovascular diseases. Major risk factors for heart disease are depression, high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, diabetes and excess weight.
Cardiovascular diseases include endocarditis, which is the main cause of acquired heart diseases; arteriosclerosis, the most widespread arterial disease; arteritis; and myocardial ischaemia, which is the major cause of death attributed to cardiovascular diseases.
The prevalence of cardiovascular diseases has increased with the average life expectancy (and, thus, an increasingly aging population) and with advances in diagnosis. They are currently responsible for more deaths than any other reported cause in the Americas and Europe. 63% of coronary heart disease is inherited.

Cardiovascular diseases remain the most common cause of death in Europe (49%), with malignant neoplasms (18%) in second place. For both groups of diseases, environmental tobacco smoke is an important environmental risk factor, affecting wide populations in Europe. Mortality from cardiovascular diseases is also related to ambient air pollution. Between 2% and 5% of lung cancer cases can be attributed to radon accumulating indoors.

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