
Original antigenic sin


Original antigenic sin is when the immune system produces ineffectual immune responses to a newly infecting variant of a virus because it is stuck in a mode of producing immune responses specific to the antigen from the initial immunologic priming from a previous exposure.  Depending on the virus, original antigenic sin can occur either with infection or with vaccination.  In the case of vaccination, original antigenic sin means not only that the immune responses from vaccination are a mismatch to a newly infecting variant, but also that the immune system fails to adequately adapt its responses to the new variant. It mounts responses to an extinct strain of the virus and so the immune response to any subsequent viral exposures will always be suboptimal.


People whose immune systems were primed by COVID-19 vaccines may experience “breakthrough” infection, they do not mount as robust an antibody response to the nucleocapsid spike protein as people whose immunologic priming is from infection.

Broader Problems:
Risks of immunization
Problem Type:
G: Very specific problems
Date of last update
08.02.2022 – 06:56 CET