Anaemia of pregnancy
- Maternal anaemia
A higher percentage of pregnant women are anaemic than non-pregnant ones. About 50% of non-pregnant women and nearly two-thirds of pregnant women have haemoglobin concentrations below those laid down by WHO as being indicative of anaemia. This is due to the dramatic increase in nutrient requirements of pregnancy that is needed not only to replace body losses, but also to provide for the needs of the foetus and placenta and the increased blood volume of the mother. In Africa, 63% of the 15.1 million pregnant women are anaemic, as against 40% of the 77.1 million non-pregnant women. In Asia, China excluded, the figures are 65% anaemic of the 43.2 million pregnant, and 57% anaemic of the 253.2 million non-pregnant women. In Latin America, figures are 30% anaemic of the 9.6 million pregnant, and 15% anaemic of the 65 million non-pregnant women.