
Complicated spelling

Other Names:
Non-phonetic spelling
Many languages which have been in evolution over a thousand years have inconsistent spellings. Those using the Roman alphabet, among which are the international languages of English, French and Spanish, have homonymous words or syllables that are spelled differently. There are also redundant letters unnecessary for pronunciation which include doubles (nn, ll, ss) and mutes, as well as unvoiced vowels (terminal e, for example) and some consonants in certain combinations (the b in dumb). Languages using ideograms, such as Chinese, may have several differently drawn characters to express the same sound. Some educators and practical persons have unsuccessfully tried to reform various language spellings, for example the Pitmans, and GB Shaw for English. One sound, one letter has often been the goal. An English word like 'thought' or a French word like 'hazard' might be spelled as 'thawt' or 'azar' to satisfy simplification requirements.
Reforming orthography
Related UN Sustainable Development Goals:
GOAL 4: Quality Education
Problem Type:
F: Fuzzy exceptional problems
Date of last update
04.10.2020 – 22:48 CEST