Destructive verbal conflict
- Uncreative vocal conflict
In the exercise of the right of free speech, verbal conflict is often destructive. Groups with concern for particular issues are frequently unable to transform the social conflicts in which they are involved into effective dialogue, whether due to inadequate systems or to inadequate quality of dialogue, or both. Reduction of complex matters to single issues, emotive and violent appeals and hysterical immediacy all contribute to negating effort so that finally nothing is achieved. Many individuals and groups not wanting to be in the position of opposing another agree with the other in order to avoid conflict because it is seen as uncreative.
Verbal conflict is destructive. Take for instance, the students and workers in Tiananmen Square in May and June of 1989 who voiced opposition to the policy and corruption of the Chinese government. Hundreds of them were killed and thousands were imprisoned because the ideas they were voicing would destroy the existing regime.