
Environmental hazards of chlorine-bleached paper products


Chlorine bleaches of woodpulp produce dioxins, one of the most toxic chemicals, as the by-product. Dioxins are also suspected cancer-causing agents. Dioxins in the effluent waters affect ecosystems in general, but they are also found in the bleached products themselves. Incineration of chlorine-bleached paper and paper cartons releases dioxins into the air.

Environment Environment
Fundamental Sciences Non-metallic chemical elements
Industry Paper
Industry Products
Societal Problems Hazards
Related UN Sustainable Development Goals:
GOAL 3: Good Health and Well-beingGOAL 12: Responsible Consumption and ProductionGOAL 15: Life on Land
Problem Type:
E: Emanations of other problems
Date of last update
18.09.2019 – 15:43 CEST