1. World problems
  2. Environmental degradation by off-road and all-terrain vehicles

Environmental degradation by off-road and all-terrain vehicles

  • Destruction of nature by four-wheel-drive cars


Off-road vehicles are predominantly recreational and include motorcycles, minibikes, trail bikes, snowmobiles, dune buggies, all-terrain vehicles, hovercraft and possibly also motor boats. They are motorized and designed for travel on or over all forms of natural terrain. Their increasing popularity is leading to damage to soil and vegetation. Wildlife is harassed and its habitat disrupted. The distances one must travel to find terrain in which to use such vehicles encourages use of them in some places which are unsafe, where ecological damage can be caused, or which are otherwise unsuitable.


Experts in the Glacier National Park in the USA argue that use of a 4-wheel drive vehicle there would damage the ground for ten years, because the ecology is in such a delicate state of balance.


Experts in the Glacier National Park in the USA argue that use of a 4-wheel drive vehicle there would damage the ground for ten years, because the ecology is in such a delicate state of balance.

They call it a sport. It's not a sport. It's an abuse.

Four-wheel-drive vehicles damage green lanes, historic roads designed centuries ago for horse traffic, not cars. They churn up moorland, disturb wildlife and farm animals, especially at lambing time, and spoil the parks for those seeking peace and quiet.

The four-wheel-drive fraternity say they have a right to use the green lanes. But by exercising their right they are interfering with the rights of walkers, horse riders and others who seek quiet enjoyment. It is very difficult striking a balance between the small minority who want to use these vehicles and the large majority who want quiet in the nature.

In a couple of years vast numbers of off-road vehicles which have never left the tarmac will move on to the second-hand market, and people who pick them up cheaply may want to start driving in the countryside.

It's all right when the drivers are members of groups and you have someone you can negotiate with. It's the reckless individuals who don't have any code or discipline that give us headaches.


We are not talking about the cowboys who drive on to the open countryside where they have no right to be, but people with a legitimate right to use these routes.

National parks are supposed to be for all to enjoy, whether you walk in them or get your enjoyment from looking through a Land Rover window.



Sustainable Development Goal #9: Industry, Innovation and InfrastructureSustainable Development Goal #10: Reduced InequalitySustainable Development Goal #11: Sustainable Cities and CommunitiesSustainable Development Goal #15: Life on Land


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  • undefined » Geology
  • undefined » Metal products
  • undefined » Destruction
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  • undefined » Motor vehicles
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    Last update
    May 19, 2022