
Property and occupational discrimination in politics

Other Names:
Active political prejudice against non-property owners
Preferential political treatment of landowners

Property qualifications for voting are no longer widespread but still exist in certain countries, especially at the local government level. In some countries or territories white people of any class may vote, but there are high property or tax-paying qualifications for non-whites. Persons holding property may be entitled to vote both in the locality of their residence and that of their property. Wealthy individuals may use their economic power to exert pressure for the candidate of their choice. Certain categories of occupations may be denied the right to vote, such as those of 'clerical status', public servants such as soldiers and policemen.

Class conflict
Commerce Land ownership
Commerce Property
Government Political
Government Politics
Social Activity Occupation
Related UN Sustainable Development Goals:
GOAL 10: Reduced InequalityGOAL 16: Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
Problem Type:
D: Detailed problems
Date of last update
24.06.2019 – 18:56 CEST