
Gypsy ethnic disintegration

Other Names:
Romany cultural collapse
Cultural deterioration of the Gipsies
Cultural decline of the Roma

There is an alarming extent of deterioration in the social and cultural life of the Slovak and Czech Gypsies, mainly resulting from the insensitive communist policy of forced assimilation and suppression of everything ethnic. It involves phenomena such as poor living conditions in illegal satellite village settlements, dependence on social security system (since unemployment often locally reaches 100%), widespread illiteracy and mental deficiency, frequent intermarriage, general loss of traditional customs and skills, alcoholism and drug abuse, as well as very real criminal patterns that include illegal loaning, pocket-picking, theft, robberies, prostitution, physical attacks and murders.

Broader Problems:
Ethnic disintegration
Society Racial, ethnic groups
Society Migrants
Societal Problems Vulnerability
Culture Culture
Principles Values
Related UN Sustainable Development Goals:
GOAL 4: Quality EducationGOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic GrowthGOAL 10: Reduced Inequality
Problem Type:
J: Problems Under Consideration
Date of last update
11.12.2017 – 12:40 CET