
Inhumane and indiscriminate weapons

Experimental visualization of narrower problems
Other Names:
Dependence on inhumane and indiscriminate weapons

A fundamental principle of the laws of war is that choice of means of injuring an enemy is not unlimited, weapons should not cause superfluous injuries and they should not be employed indiscriminately against non-combatants and combatants. These provisions are being undermined by current means and strategies of warfare. The massive firepower of modern weapons systems and the use of chemical sprays, area weapons, delayed action fuses and a variety of means of environmental destruction tend to undermine those regulations intended as far as possible to protect civilian populations from the exigencies of armed conflict.


In addition to nuclear and bio-chemical weapons, those that appear likely to cause indiscriminate killing or injury if developed and employed, include high volume sound at ultra low frequencies (infrasonics); radiation - either electromagnetic (plasmic fire-balls, differential lightning bolts, huge standing waves, etc) or nuclear (neutron beams); and human biological energy (psychotronics). In 1994 it was reported that portable laser guns had been developed, and would soon be widely available, that resulted in instantaneous permanent blindness without the ability of individuals to defend themselves. It is expected that if this form of weaponry gets out of control it could introduce a new and unnecessarily harmful form of warfare.

Related Problems:
Misuse of small arms
Problem Type:
D: Detailed problems
Date of last update
04.10.2020 – 22:48 CEST