
Employment of criminals in policy-making contexts

Other Names:
Employment of war criminals in policy-making contexts

Individuals (often of considerable recognized competence) convicted as criminals may subsequently be employed in policy or decision-making contexts calling for a sense of social responsibility. Although such individuals may have fulfilled any obligations through carrying out the sentence, they constitute an unnecessary risk in sensitive situations and may take advantage of the situation to further their own ends in ways dangerous to society.


Such employment raises issues which are fundamental to the relation between crime, punishment and what constitutes adequate retribution, and whether a criminal can be considered to have been rehabilitated on completion of a sentence. It also raises the question as to what activities judged as terrorism are to be considered (or will come to be considered) justifiable in terms of the ends to which such terrorism is purportedly directed.


As an example, the executive director of a steering and policy committee of the USA Congress in 1989 ("arguably the most powerful staff member on Capitol Hill") had been convicted in 1973 for assaulting and wounding a woman and served 27 months of a 15 year sentence, 7 of which were suspended.

Related UN Sustainable Development Goals:
GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic GrowthGOAL 16: Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
Problem Type:
E: Emanations of other problems
Date of last update
09.09.2019 – 20:51 CEST