
Criminalization of euthanasia

Other Names:
Illegality of doctor-assisted suicide
Denial of the right to euthanasia
Criminality of physician-aided suicide

In most countries, the criminalization of euthanasia means that doctors will be prosecuted for assisting terminally ill patients to commit suicide.

In the USA, it is legal for a patient to refuse medical treatment and order his life support system stopped, but it is not legal throughout the country to take a lethal dose of a medical treatment. Thus suicide by omission is legal, but by commission is generally not.

In one American state where euthanasia is legal, an ill adult of sound mind with less than 6 months to live can request a prescription of legal drugs. In the Netherlands, doctors must limit euthanasia to the terminally ill who suffer irremediable pain and who have explicitly and frequently asked for death while lucid. A second physician with no ties to the primary doctor or the patient must give an opinion about granting permission, and the death must be reported to the justice officials along with detailed information about it.

Where euthanasia is permitted in the USA, a doctor may write the prescription, but not administer the drugs. In the Netherlands in 1995, the law was tightened to ensure that, whenever possible, the patient should administer the lethal drugs himself.

In the USA, the lethal drugs may be purchased via a state funded medical assistance plan by poor people, a law which is viewed as controversial.


67% of Americans think that terminally ill people in pain who express the wish to die should be allowed to do so. However, as of 1997, 35 of 50 states had laws against doctor-assisted suicide.

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Related UN Sustainable Development Goals:
GOAL 3: Good Health and Well-beingGOAL 16: Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
Problem Type:
F: Fuzzy exceptional problems
Date of last update
04.10.2020 – 22:48 CEST