

Monasticism, particularly for the Hindu and Buddhist religions, has been the mainstay of church existence and expansion. In this respect monasticism breeds intolerance and religious rivalry. Monks or nuns may be involved in education or health and make use of the opportunity to spread indoctrination. Other holy orders were concerned with war. Because of the need to beg from the community, and because of their spiritual power over the community, monasteries have in some cases amassed substantial wealth. Monasticism encourages anticlericalism and religious, political and ideological repression. Monasticism is sometimes equated with mysticism.
Monasticism is particularly strong in the Buddhist and Hindu religions. It is slightly less strong in Christianity, exists in Islam, and did exist, to a very limited extent, in Judaism. It is currently in worldwide decline. Mexico, Russia and China have confiscated much or all monastic property and have secularized their inmates.
Broader Problems:
Ideological conflict
Related Problems:
Problem Type:
F: Fuzzy exceptional problems
Date of last update
04.10.2020 – 22:48 CEST