

Experimental visualization of narrower problems
Other Names:
Immoral action
Dependence on immorality
Immoral people
Corruption of morals
Relaxation of morals
Moral permissiveness

Immorality – taken to include conduct or thinking contrary to established standards of morality, from which they may differ according to race, culture and creed – may include acts of violence, sexual misconduct, profanity, sacrilege or other acts considered subversive, perverse or harmful; it also encompasses ideological deviation, including heresy, subversive literature and pornography, or obscenity of any kind. It may even include such afflictions as alcoholism and drug addiction.

One can therefore establish three kinds of immoral actions, which can be judged as such by referring to the three basic principles: whether they are immoral either in themselves, or because the person who enacts them lacks the right to do so, or because of the dangers they provoke without sufficient motive.

Broader Problems:
Related UN Sustainable Development Goals:
GOAL 3: Good Health and Well-being
Problem Type:
F: Fuzzy exceptional problems
Date of last update
26.06.2019 – 21:58 CEST