

Experimental visualization of narrower problems
Other Names:
Moral imperfection
Dependence on moral inappropriateness
Inappropriate behaviour
Improper people

Debates about public (and even private) morality are curiously selective. This is often not because anything has been done which is illegal, "dirty" or clearly offensive, but because something has been done which does not quite fit. Appropriateness is an issue with real pain and real argument attached. The difficult point in many moral mazes is deciding when something that was acceptable has become unacceptable, or why something which was acceptable in one situation is unacceptable in another.

Innovative change Change
Psychology Behaviour
Societal Problems Corruption
Societal Problems Dependence
Societal Problems Irresponsibility
Society People
Related UN Sustainable Development Goals:
GOAL 3: Good Health and Well-beingGOAL 10: Reduced Inequality
Problem Type:
A: Abstract Fundamental Problems
Date of last update
12.11.2019 – 19:20 CET