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Threatened species of Gulella
Experimental visualization of narrower problems
Broader Problems:
Threatened species of Streptaxidae
Narrower Problems:
Threatened species of Gulella alleni
Threatened species of Gulella grossa
Threatened species of Gulella intrusa
Threatened species of Gulella ludwigi
Threatened species of Gulella cuspidata
Threatened species of Gulella foliifera
Threatened species of Gulella taitensis
Threatened species of Gulella paucidens
Threatened species of Gulella greenwayi
Threatened species of Gulella amaniensis
Threatened species of Gulella unidentata
Threatened species of Gulella usambarica
Threatened species of Gulella thomasetti
Threatened species of Gulella bomolensis
Threatened species of Gulella antelmeana
Threatened species of Gulella inconspicua
Threatened species of Gulella mayottensis
Threatened species of Gulella translucida
Threatened species of Gulella lornae major
Threatened species of Gulella ndamanyiluensis
Threatened species of Gulella usagarica satura
Threatened species of Gulella gouldi globulosa
Threatened species of Gulella subhyalina addita
Threatened species of Gulella gwendolinae mkusiensis
Threatened species of Gulella conradti reductidentata
Societal Problems
Endangered species
Related UN Sustainable Development Goals:
Problem Type:
R: Rejected Provisionally
Date of last update
14.06.2018 – 13:28 CEST