
Threatened species of Hydrobiidae

Experimental visualization of narrower problems
Narrower Problems:
Threatened species of Iglica
Threatened species of Tryonia
Threatened species of Angrobia
Threatened species of Antrobia
Threatened species of Phrantela
Threatened species of Beddomeia
Threatened species of Fontigens
Threatened species of Hemistoma
Threatened species of Assiminea
Threatened species of Hauffenia
Threatened species of Bythinella
Threatened species of Paladilhia
Threatened species of Fluviopupa
Threatened species of Jardinella
Threatened species of Paludinella
Threatened species of Fluminicola
Threatened species of Bythiospeum
Threatened species of Pyrgulopsis
Threatened species of Victodrobia
Threatened species of Fonscochlea
Threatened species of Cochliopina
Threatened species of Nanocochlea
Threatened species of Somatogyrus
Threatened species of Cincinnatia
Threatened species of Aphaostracon
Threatened species of Stiobia nana
Threatened species of Heterocyclus
Threatened species of Moitessieria
Threatened species of Trochidrobia
Threatened species of Pseudamnicola
Threatened species of Belgrandiella
Threatened species of Fissuria bovi
Threatened species of Avenionia brevis
Threatened species of Cochliopa texana
Threatened species of Coahuilix hubbsi
Threatened species of Coxiella striata
Threatened species of Neohoratia minuta
Threatened species of Arganiella exilis
Threatened species of Antrorbis breweri
Threatened species of Hydrobia scamandri
Threatened species of Clappia cahabensis
Threatened species of Paludiscala caramba
Threatened species of #Nanocochlea' parva
Threatened species of Lepyrium showalteri
Threatened species of Lobaunia danubialis
Threatened species of Plagigeyeria conilis
Threatened species of Sadleriana pannonica
Threatened species of Phreatodrobia imitata
Threatened species of Apachecoccus arizonae
Threatened species of Potamopyrgus oscitans
Threatened species of Nymphophilus minckleyi
Threatened species of Durangonella coahuilae
Threatened species of Pseudotricula eberhardi
Threatened species of Lithoglyphus umbilicata
Threatened species of Litthabitella elliptica
Threatened species of Ohridohauffenia drimica
Threatened species of Posticobia norfolkensis
Threatened species of Littoridina gaudichaudii
Threatened species of Graziana klazenfurtensis
Threatened species of Paladilhiopis bourguignati
Threatened species of Alzoniella hartwigschuetti
Threatened species of Falniowskia neglectissimum
Threatened species of Palacanthilhiopsis vervierii
Threatened species of Mexipyrgus churinceanus multilineatus
Threatened species of Mexithauma churinceanus quadripaludium
Related UN Sustainable Development Goals:
GOAL 15: Life on Land
Problem Type:
E: Emanations of other problems
Date of last update
23.09.2020 – 22:17 CEST