
Fabricated quotations

Other Names:
Altered quotations
Distorted statements
Misrepresented citations
False citations

In the act of transcribing words of an interview to writing, a journalist may accidentally or intentionally misquote the subject. A misquotation includes anything from the deletion or inversion of one word to the fabrication of entire statements. Whether such an error is the result of technical carelessness or purposeful distortion is sometimes difficult to determine. In either instance a faulty quotation is a misrepresentation of the subject's words, and is therefore potentially damaging to the subject's credibility. Misquotations are not limited to journalism and live interviews, as they may occur in such instances as an author's citation of historical excerpts and an orator's allusion to existing manuscripts. Misstatements of this nature are often difficult to detect, as some of the subjects are no longer living and able to defend themselves.


A $10 million libel lawsuit brought by a psychoanalyst against a journalist of The New Yorker hinges on 5 quotations appearing in her interview article which he claims are fabricated.

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Related UN Sustainable Development Goals:
GOAL 3: Good Health and Well-beingGOAL 16: Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
Problem Type:
F: Fuzzy exceptional problems
Date of last update
30.10.2020 – 19:40 CET